

Check out our full listing of college scholarships featured in our weekly Countdown to College (C2C) enewsletter here.


Enterprise State Community College Scholarships

600 Plaza Drive • Enterprise, AL 36330 • (334) 347-2623 • • • @EnterpriseState

I am excited to let you know that Enterprise State Community College is taking our scholarship application process online! This year your graduating seniors will be able to apply for ESCC scholarships online at effective January 1, 2015. The link to our scholarship application will be prominently displayed in the upper right corner of our home page, and we hope that your students will find this process easier to navigate than our old paper-based process.

Enterprise State Community College and the ESCC Foundation offer a rich variety of scholarship opportunities to outstanding students. Scholarships are awarded for academic performance, technical promise, career interests, and for participation in the fine arts, athletics, and leadership activities.
The scholarship application process at ESCC is competitive. Successful applicants must submit a complete scholarship application packet before the processing deadline, which is March 1. Applicants are urged to complete their application packets at least one week before the March 1 deadline to avoid last minute processing problems. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for the first round of awards. A complete application packet consists of the following items:

ESCC Application for Admission (completed online at

ESCC Scholarship Application (completed online at All required items must be completed or the application cannot be submitted.

The student’s EFC (Expected Family Contribution) from ESCC’s Federal School Code for the FAFSA is 001015. Contact ESCC Financial Aid at 334.347.2623 extension 2214 or with questions about the FAFSA.

An official high school transcript. Transcripts may be mailed, faxed, emailed, or delivered to:

ESCC Financial Aid Office

Attn: Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 1300

600 Plaza Drive

Enterprise, AL 36331-1300

Fax: 334.347.0191


Please call me at 334.347.2623 extension 2337 if you have questions.


Chip Quisenberry and Ken Thomas, Co-Chairs

ESCC Scholarship Committee

College Scholarships---Check Them OUT!!!!


Aaron M. Aronov Scholarship UA

The Aaron M. Aronov Endowed Tuition Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Full Tuition 
Application Deadline: 1-Dec 
Requirements: First priority is given to children of employees of Aronov Realty Company. Second priority is given to Montgomery area students.
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756
The American Legion-Alabama Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by American Legion - Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Average: $850 
Application Deadline: 1-May 
Requirements: Applicant must be the child or grandchild of a veteran of World War I, World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam Conflict, Beirut/Granada Emergency, or Panama Emergency. Applicant must attend an Alabama state-supported college. Self-addressed, stamped envelope is required to receive application. 
Eligibility: College freshman, College sophomore, College junior, College senior

Sponsorship provided by:

American Legion - Alabama 
120 North Jackson Street 
Montgomery, AL 36104 
Email Address: 
Phone Number: 202 262 6638

S. Richardson Hill Scholarship UAB

The S. Richardson Hill Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Average: $2000 
Requirements: Selection based on academic achievement and leadership ability. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama at Birmingham 
317 HUC, 1400 University Boulevard 
Birmingham, AL 35294-1150 
Phone Number: 205 934 8223 
Fax Number: 205 934 8941 

Julia Tutwiler Crimson Scholarship

The Julia Tutwiler Crimson Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: In-state tuition, housing allowance, book costs, educational enrichment allowance 
Application Deadline: December 1 (priority) 
Requirements: Applicant must have a minimum composite ACT score of 32 (combined SAT I score of 1400), a minimum 3.8 GPA, and rank in the top two percent of class. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756

Vulcan Materials Scholarship UA

The Vulcan Materials Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Average: $7500 
Application Deadline: December 1 (priority) 
Requirements: Applicant must have a minimum 3.8 GPA, a minimum composite ACT score of 32 (combined SAT I score of 1400), and demonstrate leadership. Essay and interview are required. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756 

Comer Foundation Scholarship

The Comer Foundation Scholarship in English is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Average: $3000 
Application Deadline: December 1 (priority) 
Requirements: Applicant must be a resident of Alabama and submit a writing sample. Academic ability, test scores, character, motivation, and financial need are considered. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756

Bert Bank Patriotism

The Bert Bank Patriotism Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Application Deadline: December 1 (priority) 
Requirements: Applicant must submit 300- to 500-word essay on demonstrated patriotism. Selection is based upon academic excellence, demonstrated patriotism, and strong leadership abilities. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756

Alabama Power Company Foundation UA

The Alabama Power Company Foundation Endowed Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Average: $1000 
Application Deadline: December 1 (priority, freshman applicants), January 15 (priority, all other applicants) 
Requirements: Applicant must be an Alabama resident, be enrolled full time, and demonstrate potential for a successful career as a communicator. 
Eligibility: College freshman, College sophomore, College junior

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756

Abraham Mitchell Business Scholarship

The Abraham Mitchell Business Scholarship are academic scholarships sponsored by University of South Alabama (USA).

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Maximum: $8000 
Application Deadline: 1-Jan 
Requirements: Award is based upon academic achievement. Applicant must have a minimum 23 ACT score. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of South Alabama (USA) 
260 Administration Building 
Mobile, AL 36688-0002 
Phone Number: 251 460 6231

Blount Scholarship--UA

The Blount Scholarship is a Scholarship sponsored by University of Alabama.

Award Information:

Amount of Scholarship: Minimum: $7500 
Application Deadline: December 1 (priority) 
Requirements: Applicant must be have a minimum 3.8 GPA, a minimum composite ACT score of 32 (combined SAT I score of 14000), demonstrate academic, extracurricular, service, and leadership achievements, and submit a 300- to 500-word essay. Interview required. 
Eligibility: College freshman

Sponsorship provided by:

University of Alabama 
Box 870162 
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0162 
Phone Number: 205 348 6756


440 Scholarships Found

Alabama G.I. Dependents Scholarship Program
Sponsor: Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs
Scholarship pays for tuition, textbooks and laboratory fees for eligible dependents of Alabama disabled, prisoner-of-war, or missing-in-action veterans. Child or stepchild must initiate training before 26th ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: Continuous

Lola B. Curry Scholarship
Sponsor: United Daughters of the Confederacy
Award for full-time undergraduate students from Alabama who are descendants of a Confederate soldier. Must be enrolled in an accredited college or university in Alabama. Minimum 3.0 GPA required. Submit letter ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: March 15th
Available: 1-2

Charles Clarke Cordle Memorial Scholarship
Sponsor: ARRL Foundation Inc.
One-time award for licensed amateur radio operators. Must have minimum GPA of 2.5. Preference to students studying electronics, communications, or related fields. Preference given to residents of Georgia or ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: No
Deadline: January 31st
Available: 1

American Legion Auxiliary Department of Alabama Scholarship Program
Sponsor: American Legion Auxiliary Department of Alabama
Merit-based scholarships for Alabama residents, preferably ages 17 to 25, who are children or grandchildren of veterans of World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Operation Desert Storm, Beirut, Grenada, or ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: April 1st
Available: 40

Swayze Woodruff Memorial Mid-South Scholarship
Sponsor: American Quarter Horse Foundation (AQHF)
Ideal candidate is an AQHA or AQHYA member from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi or Tennessee who competes in AQHA-approved shows.
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: December 1st
Available: 1

Helen James Brewer Scholarship
Sponsor: United Daughters of the Confederacy
Award for full-time undergraduate student who is a descendant of a Confederate soldier, sailor or marine. Must be from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee or Virginia. Recipient must be ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: March 15th
Available: 1-2

American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest
Sponsor: American Legion National Headquarters
Scholarship up to $18,000 will be presented to the 3 finalists in the final round of the national contest. Students currently in high school are eligible to apply for this contest.
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: No
Deadline: December 1st
Available: 54

Executive Women International Scholarship Program
Sponsor: Executive Women International
Competitive award to high school juniors planning careers in any business or professional field of study which requires a four-year college degree. Award is renewable based on continuing eligibility. All ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: Continuous
Available: 75-100

American Legion National Headquarters Eagle Scout of the Year
Sponsor: American Legion National Headquarters
The winner of the competition receives a $10,000 scholarship and 3 runners-up are each awarded $2500 scholarships. May be used to attend any state accredited postsecondary institution in the U.S.
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: No
Deadline: March 1st
Available: 4

Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship Contest
Sponsor: Elks National Foundation
Five hundred awards ranging from $1000 to $12,500 per year, renewable for four years, are allocated nationally by state quota for graduating high school seniors. Based on scholarship, leadership, and financial ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: December 6th
Available: 500

American Legion Auxiliary Spirit of Youth Scholarships for Junior Members
Sponsor: American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters
Renewable scholarship for graduating high school seniors. Must be a woman and a current junior member of the American Legion Auxiliary, with a three-year membership history. Scholarship is awarded in $1000 ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: March 1st
Available: 5

United States Senate Youth Program
Sponsor: William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Scholarship for high school juniors and seniors holding elected student offices. Two students selected from each state. Selection process will vary by state. Contact school principal or state department of ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: No
Deadline: Continuous
Available: 104

Spence Reese Scholarship
Sponsor: Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego
Renewable scholarship for graduating male high school seniors in the United States for study of law, medicine, engineering, and political science. Awarded based on academic standing, academic ability,
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: April 1st
Available: 8

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Scholarship Program
Sponsor: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Scholarship for family dependents of American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees members. Must be a graduating high school senior planning to pursue postsecondary education at a four-year ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: December 31st
Available: 13

Minnie Pearl Scholarship
Sponsor: Hearing Bridges
Renewable scholarship for full-time college students with a severe to profound bilateral hearing loss. Initially, recipients must be mainstreamed high school seniors with at least a 3.0 GPA. Renewals based ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: March 1st
Available: 1

Utility Workers Union of America Scholarship Awards Program
Sponsor: Utility Workers Union of America
Renewable award for high school juniors who are children of active members of the Utility Workers Union of America. Must take the PSAT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test in junior year and plan to ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: December 31st
Available: 2

Herman O. West Foundation Scholarship Program
Sponsor: Herman O. West Foundation
Awards up to seven scholarships per year to high school seniors who will be attending college in the fall after graduation. The scholarship may only be applied toward tuition cost up to $2500 per year for up ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: February 28th
Available: 1-7

National Security Agency Stokes Educational Scholarship Program
Sponsor: National Security Agency
Renewable awards for high school students planning to attend a four-year undergraduate institution to study computer science, electrical engineering, or computer engineering. Must be at least 16 to apply.
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: November 15th
Available: 15-20

Clyde C. Crosby/Joseph M. Edgar and Thomas J. Malloy Memorial Scholarship
Sponsor: Oregon Student Assistance Commission
Renewable scholarship available for graduating high school senior with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and is a child, or dependent stepchild of an active, retired, disabled, or deceased member of local union ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: March 1st

Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards
Sponsor: Elks National Foundation
$4,000 four-year scholarships available for children and grandchildren of Elks in good standing. Parent or grandparent must have been an Elk for two years and continue to be a member in good standing. Must be ...
Type: Scholarship
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: January 31st



Community Service Hours--Deadline

Remember that all Pike Liberal Arts seniors are required to have 75 hours of community service in order to graduate in May 2015. These hours are due before the Christmas break.
** New senior students have an extended date until March 20, 2015 to complete their 75 hours.

GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program