

Apply for the AXA Achievement Scholarship by December 15, 2014. Learn more and download an application at: http://www.axa-achievement.com/


Dear Counselor:
The School of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of South Alabama is a growing place. This fall we had the second highest increase in enrollments on campus and want to thank all of you who helped us reach out to interested students.
Our goal is to continue to increasing our enrollments and once again would appreciate your help in getting the following information out to appropriate teachers and students:
- Outstanding Student Scholarships (application deadline - December 1, 2014)
The School of Computer and Information Sciences began this scholarship last year and awarded scholarships in the range of $2,500 to $5,000 to six exceptional students. See the attachment for more details.
- School of CIS Scholarships (application deadline - May 1, 2015)
Thanks to the generosity of several of our business partners and supporters along with a profitable year with our endowments, the School was able to offer eleven scholarships during the spring of the year. These scholarships ranged in the amounts of $500 to $1600. More information about these scholarships will be available after the first of the year on our website.
There are many reasons we would encourage your students to consider studying computing while attending college; however the statistics shown by the US Bureau of Labor offer the most convincing evidence I have seen. For more information, take a minute to read the article found at http://cacm.acm.org/opinion /articles/95634-joel-adams-discusses-the-career-outlook-for-cs-students/fulltext. Attached is a flyer showing the projected STEM job needs by the year 2018. We in the School of Computer and Information Sciences feel students who join us are being prepared for a great and exciting future. Please help us share this with your students.

Melissa Smith, Recruiting Coordinator
School of Computer and Information Sciences University of South Alabama FCW 20 Mobile, Alabama 36688 251-460-6390 mesmith@usouthal.edu


Auburn University Engineering Student Services

If you would like more information about any of the engineering programs at Auburn University you can visit their websit at www.eng.auburn.edu or email Tiffany@auburn.edu who will be glad to answer any of your questions. Remember that Auburn host an Engineering Day E-Day in February and any student interested in engineering should attend this event.



Just to let you know that most of the scholarships fall within the same time frame each year.
The national scholarships are due in the fall, university scholarships by Dec. 1 (except Troy University which is January 15), and local scholarships usually start in March or April.
It is important that you go through the list that has been previously established to see what scholarships you think will apply to you. As scholarships come into my office I will let you know the due dates.