
Electric Cooperative Foundation Scholarship

Applications for the Electric Cooperative Foundation Scholarship are available in my office. The application with all required attachments and submissions must be recieved no later than March 13.

University of Alabama

The University of Alabama will no longer be using paper applications. To apply for admission a pdf is available at http://apply.ua.edu/ . Also the writing component of the (ACT and SAT) will be required starting with the summer and fall .


The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Priority Application Date for UAB is now Dec.1 for the senior year in high school.
www.uab.edu/honorsacademy and www.uab.edu/apply

$12,000 per year with an ACT of 33 or higher
$7,500 per year with an ACT of 28-32 or higher
$5,000 per year with an ACT of 24-27 or higher



Download and application for a $2000 college scholarship at:
You must apply by February 15.

University of Alabama at Birmingham Scholarship Information

For information on scholarships at UAB visit www.uab.edu/scholarships .

McKelvey Foundation

McKelvey Foundation Entrepreneurial Scholarship will give away 60 scholarships to students with the following qualification:

Own your business for at least one year
Have at least one paid employee
Graduate high school
Go to any 4-year college or university within the United States

Receive up to $10,000 per year for all 4 years total of $4o,000.
For more information, visit us online, call 1-877-McKelvey(625-3583).
Apply on line at http://www.mckelveyfoundation.org/ and click on Entrepreneurial Scholarship section.


KFC Scholarship

To qualify, a student must be:

Graduating from high school
Maintaining a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
Enrolling in a public, in-state college or university
Pursuing a bachelor's degree
A U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Students complete their application online at http://www.kfcscholars.org/. The online application will be available from December1 through February 10.


Burger King Scholars Program

Applicants must be a High School Senior

Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5
Work part-time an average of 15 hours a week
Be actively involved in community service
Demonstrate financial need
Plan to enroll in an accredited two or four year college, university or vocational school by the fall

Easy online applicationat www.bk.com/scholars

Apply between September 15 and February 2


American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship eligibility: Sons/grandsons and daughters/granddaughters of Veterans of WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Beirut/Granada/Panama Emergencies/Desert Storm War.
Students applying must be residents of Alabama. AS must be the veteran on whom they are applying. You will need a copy of the veteran's discharge record or service record. You may pick up an application in my office.Must be postmarked no later than 1st of April.


Troy University Scholarships

Note that these scholarships are all on the Troy University Scholarship site: If you qualify complete the application online today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The Millennium Scholars Award
Pays full tuition, room and board.
Qualifications: 31 ACT and 3.7 GPA (4.0 scale ).
*The Chancellor's Award
Pays full tuition.
Qualifications: 27 ACT and 3.5 GPA (4.0 scale).
*Excellence in Leadership Scholarship
Qualifications: Leadership scholarships are based upon achievement in leadership positions in the high school. Selection is generally based on an overall evaluation of the student's accomplishments by the University Committee.
22 ACT and 3.0 GPA (4.0 scale) .
You may download an application at: http://troy.troy.edu/admissions/leadershipscholarship.pdf
We will not need to submit these to the university until after we have first semester grades posted.
The University of Alabama
Scholarship Offers
*Students who have a 27-29 ACT and at least a 3.7 GPA will receive $1,500 per year or $6,000 over four years.
*Students who have a 30-36 ACT and at least a 3.7 GPA will receive the value of tuition for four years.
December 1 is the deadline for scholarship consideration. Remember if you need to take your ACT again the last test date used for scholarship consideration will be October. Sign up for the test NOW!
Alabama WEB site www.scholarships.ua.edu.
Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union
Look for fliers in the scholarship box ( in the shelf ) by my office.


Pike County Chamber of Commerce
Financial Assistance Notebook for Students of
Pike County Schools
For scholarship and financial aid information visit: http://www.pikecountychamber.net/
Click onto the web, click on to the community stie, under this site will be the church and education site click onto this site to find the note book. This is a very useful web site!!!!!!!!!
The school usually receives information on the local scholarships in the spring.
Central Alabama Community Foundation
Dr. James H. French Memorial Scholarship
Applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 23, and and unweighted GPA of 3.5. Students needs to show interest in accelerated math and science coursework. You can go to the website at www.cacfinfo.org to find more information on this scholarship. I have copies of the application in my office.